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API Thread inspection using impression material

Plastiform products are frequently used by OCTG* (Oil Country Tubular Goods) manufacturers to carry out the control and inspection of API threads, tubings and casings.* OCTG is a specific family of steel pipe designed for oil drilling, extraction and transportation of oil and natural gas.IntroductionFunction of threadsThreads on oil well… <a href="" class="read-more">Read More</a>

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Roughness tester measuring a surface

The Roughness Tester – Measuring Surface Condition

During machining, no matter how precise the machine used is, surfaces will always have irregularities. These irregularities are micro-geometric roughness caused by the imperfection of cutting tools (yes, perfection doesn’t exist!).Measuring these imperfections is crucial. For over 80 years, surface finish measurement has been used to improve… <a href="" class="read-more">Read More</a>

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m70 slice in a profile projector

Profile projector | Use them with Plastiform technology

A profile projector, also known as an optical comparator, is a precision measuring instrument widely used in metrology and quality control.This advanced optical device projects an enlarged shadow of the part being measured onto a screen, allowing the operator to perform accurate measurements with ease.While the principle is similar to… <a href="" class="read-more">Read More</a>

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Roughness RA measurement on P80Ra Plastiform

Ra Roughness | Arithmetic Average of Roughness Profile

Ra roughness, in mechanics, is an average value characterizing the surface condition of a part or material.In industry, roughness control is part of the dimensional validation process and ensures part conformity during machining.While there are other indicators that characterize surface roughness, this article will focus on the general surface… <a href="" class="read-more">Read More</a>

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industrial metrology illustration

Industrial Metrology | Definition and Use Case

Metrology is a scientific discipline that includes all methods for obtaining measurements. Industrial Metrology is a branch of the discipline applied to the production sector.In the industry, metrology is most often used to check dimensional conformity, it is a way of ensuring quality control.Industrial metrology and scientific metrology differencesThis discipline… <a href="" class="read-more">Read More</a>

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