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Price Range :
69,00 € 396,75 €Excluding tax

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8x 50ml Cartridges + 48 Nozzles + 6 Tips
241,50 €
Removal Constraint: 10%
Initial Consistency: Fluid
Final Consistency:
Final Hardness: 50 Shore A
Working Time: 1:30 min.
Curing Time: 6:00 min.
Polymerization Time: 8:00 min.
Double Blade Cutter: YES


F50 stands as the most versatile product among the whole Plastiform range.

Renowned for its exceptional technical properties, F50 efficiently addresses a wide range of dimensional control challenges in various industries. Its remarkable fluidity and flexibility enable the F50 to seamlessly infiltrate and exit even the most intricate spaces.

It is compatible with the Double Blade Cutter and its impressions can be cut, enhancing its user-friendliness when measuring the impression comes. The final form of the F50 settles into a Semi-Flexible state, with a hardness of 50 Shore A.

While it does not possess a high capacity for deformation, it tolerates a maximum Extraction Constraint of up to 10%. Therefore, it’s best suited for simpler mould shapes that require less complexity in unmoulding.

The F50 is specifically recommended for capturing impressions in straightforward or moderately complex internal structures. Its versatility extends to both total and partial impressions.

Furthermore, it can be used in crafting custom-made protective gear, caps, and shields for surface treatments.

The precision of the F50 impression is outstanding. It accurately replicates every minute detail of the surface — including shape, dimensions, texture, and overall condition — down to the micron level. This ensures that the final output is not only precise but also meets the highest standards of professional quality.

The F50 stands as one of the best products for accomplishing:

  • Partial Impression of Internal Forms: Expertly designed to obtain measurements from internal shapes that may present challenges in extraction.
  • Complete Impression of Simple Internal Forms: Ideal for accurately measuring diameters and radius.

To achieve optimal results, users are advised to adhere to the guidelines provided in the accompanying instructions.

For best practice, it is recommended to pour the F50 slowly, using a nozzle, ensuring that the product flows thoroughly into every corner of the targeted area. This method is crucial to prevent the formation of air bubbles.

The guidelines mentioned above are equally applicable to all other fluid products within the Plastiform range, enhancing their versatility and effectiveness in similar applications.

F50 Step by step application
ornemental strips

Looking for a complete kit to try plastiform?

The case contains all required accessories to use Plastiform. It is the best way to try our solutions for the first time!

Button Decoration iconButton Decoration icon
Plastiform ML-040 case


F50 is always sold with nozzles and tips. The Dispensing gun is NOT included in any of these sets:
  • ca-f50-2
    • 2x F50 Cartridges (50ml)
    • 12x Standard Nozzles
    • 6x Tips for standard Nozzles
    69,00 €Excl. tax
  • ca-f50-8
    • 8x F50 Cartridges (50ml)
    • 48x Standard Nozzles
    • 6x Tips for standard Nozzles
    241,50 €Excl. tax
  • ca-f50-16
    • 16x F50 Cartridges (50ml)
    • 48x Standard Nozzles
    • 6x Tips for standard Nozzles
    396,75 €Excl. tax

Buy now

8x 50ml Cartridges + 48 Nozzles + 6 Tips
241,50 €

Recommended Accessories

F50 must or can be used with the following accessories :

Frequently Asked Questions

Are all products compatible with the Double Blade Cutter ?


No. The double blade cutter can only cut semi-flexible impressions. You can check on the label and the technical sheet if the product you are interest in is usable with the Cutter.

How can I clean the mixers after the mixing is complete?


After the mixing is complete, absorb any remaining product with paper and clean the mixer using white gas.

How to correctly extract a Plastiform impression?


Plastiforms are highly precise, ensuring that once cured, they maintain perfect contact with the walls of the part, almost as if they are glued. To extract an impression: have a firm grip to pull energetically along the axis of the impression—twisting or unscrewing should be avoided. For this, it is essential to use demolding rings.

What is the purpose of Plastin?


It is an industrial modeling clay that can be used as a replacement for conventional modeling clay. It is dedicated to industry, so it is permanently reusable and leaves no traces.

What does “working time” means?


The "Working time" is the period during which a Plastiform can be altered after injection, maintaining its initial consistency. This means that the chemical reaction between the two components has not yet progressed to the point where the impression begins to harden.

What does “curing time” means?


The "curing time" is the period after which the impression can be removed from the part following its injection. This is when the impression has achieved approximately 80% of its final hardness, enabling its removal from the form to be replicated.

What does “polymerization time” means?


The "polymerization time" is the time required for the impression to reach its final hardness, such as 20 Shore A for F20, 50 Shore A for F50, etc. This indicates when the impression is fully usable, particularly for precise dimensional measurements.

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