The M25 plastiform is the most flexible malleable product with a very high flexibility and malleability.
It can endure up to 15% removal constraint, making it suitable for dimensional checks on complex external shapes like T-slots and grooves.
As a malleable product, it can be applied by hands, which is a good alternative if you want to avoid cartridges products.
It is particularly beneficial in scenarios with high extraction constraints and can be applied without the need to dismantle assemblies. The M25’s consistency allows for straightforward manual application.
Additionally, It can be cut using the Double Blade Cutter, which is recommended to create an easy to measure cross section of your replica.
The M25 can be used for :
Dimensional control of complex external shapes: when you need a hard-to-extract impression that can be applied by hand.
To use this product effectively, you need to mix equal amounts (1:1 ratio) of the two components by hand. You must mix both components until the color becomes homogenous, indicating that it is ready for application.
It is crucial to apply any Plastiform product to a clean surface.
Before the application, ensure the surface is well cleaned using the DN1 degreaser. This preparation step is essential for achieving optimal adherence and performance of the product.
Looking for a complete kit to try plastiform?
The Manual Putty Starting Kit contains all required accessories to use Plastiform. It is the best way to try our solutions for the first time!
Are all products compatible with the Double Blade Cutter ?
No. The double blade cutter can only cut semi-flexible impressions. You can check on the label and the technical sheet if the product you are interest in is usable with the Cutter.
Are Plastiform products compatible with all types of metal alloys?
We always recommend carrying out a preliminary test to confirm that your alloy will not adhere to the product, as we have observed several cases of incompatibility with very specific alloys, although this is very rare.
Can anyone use Plastiform products?
Yes, anyone can use Plastiform products as long as they follow the instructions provided with each product. While no specific training is required, we strongly recommend adhering closely to the guidance in the technical documents. If you have any doubts, a series of explanatory videos is available to help clarify your questions. If these do not resolve your concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
How should products be stored?
Products must always be stored between 15°C and 28°C, in their original packaging, and with the cap facing upwards. Cartridge plastiforms have a shelf life of up to 3 years, which remains unchanged even after they are opened. For more detailed information, please consult the technical data sheets.
How to correctly extract a Plastiform impression?
Plastiforms are highly precise, ensuring that once cured, they maintain perfect contact with the walls of the part, almost as if they are glued. To extract an impression: have a firm grip to pull energetically along the axis of the impression—twisting or unscrewing should be avoided. For this, it is essential to use demolding rings.
What are the storage requirements?
All our products must be stored at room temperature (20°C) in their original packaging to preserve the technical characteristics indicated on the label.
What does “working time” means?
The "Working time" is the period during which a Plastiform can be altered after injection, maintaining its initial consistency. This means that the chemical reaction between the two components has not yet progressed to the point where the impression begins to harden.
What does “curing time” means?
The "curing time" is the period after which the impression can be removed from the part following its injection. This is when the impression has achieved approximately 80% of its final hardness, enabling its removal from the form to be replicated.
What does “polymerization time” means?
The "polymerization time" is the time required for the impression to reach its final hardness, such as 20 Shore A for F20, 50 Shore A for F50, etc. This indicates when the impression is fully usable, particularly for precise dimensional measurements.
Where can I download Safety Data Sheets for this products ?
All the MSDS are available on the product dedicated page, just bellow the gallery of picture. You can also find them on the dedicated page.
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